Wonderfalls facts
Wonderfalls facts

wonderfalls facts

Unfortunately following Wonderfalls Bryan Fuller, the show’s visionary creator, would continue to be plagued by such cancellations for years. This fate is one shared by many TV shows (FOX’s most famous victim, the fourteen episode Firefly, gains fresh mourners every day). For that to happen you’d have to know the show existed and most people still don’t.

#Wonderfalls facts tv

They took pity on fans with a DVD set release the following year making the series’ complete thirteen episodes available for consumption, but if you weren’t a fan of the brief TV stint, chances are you weren’t becoming one now. After a total of four episodes FOX decided to cancel.

wonderfalls facts

Nor did it take long for Wonderfalls, which aired on FOX in 2004, to get the premature ax. By the five minute mark she’s performing her own Heimlich remover to stop from choking on a sandwich because no one walking by will respond to her “I can’t breath” gestures. It doesn’t take long into the pilot for things to go wrong for Jaye. Until the cheeky souvenir lion started talking to her. She was as happy as an unsocial cynic can be. Basically, Jaye had set up a routine where she was able to fully commit to an ideal, unambitious lifestyle of few obligations and bare minimum requirements. Amongst her concerned but career-minded family members (who make up a superb supporting cast including Lee Pace and Kate Finneran) she proudly played the role of the black sheep, toting around her unused philosophy degree and trailer park residence as banners of her independence. The lone social contact she kept with any regularity was with her best friend, Mahandra, but given Mahandra’s workplace- the bar Jaye frequented -keeping in touch didn’t take much effort. Despite the job’s implied requirement of speaking to customers on a regular basis, she avoided people as best she could and was fairly successful. Jaye Tyler was a normal, sarcastic, passive aggressive employee at a Niagara Falls tourist gift shop. “I wonder, wonder why the wonder falls…” So goes the refrain of the theme song for FOX’s short-lived Wonderfalls.

Wonderfalls facts